How can the Democrats help the GOP break free of Trump?
The more extreme Trump gets, the more the non-MAGA Republicans, whom I will call the "GOP," would like to be free of him. They always distrusted him, but their desire for power overwhelmed that distrust. The alternative to Trump was the Democrats. Opposition to Trump meant being pushed out of the Republican party like Liz Cheney. Now they live in fear. Only the GOP have the political power to remove Trump. 4 in the House. 4 in the Senate could pass a resolution, including a resolution declaring Trump an insurrectionist. 14 could beat filibuster, 20 could pass veto-proof resolutions or convict an impeachment.
(It's likely if the Democrats filibuster too much, the Republicans will end it. That in turn means only 4 GOP Senators must rebel.)
But to "shoot at the king and miss" means the end of their career; all they have worked for. Is there a way the Democrats could help them and save the country, as is their duty?
Trump's threat is this: defy him, and next primary, they'll run a MAGA opponent. Elon Musk will fund that campaign. You'll be out, even in a safe seat.
The Democrats could pledge this: If you are in a safe GOP seat and you vote to be rid of Trump, and they attack you, we won't run anybody in your race. Further, we'll tell our supporters to register as Republicans and vote for you, and if that fails, you can run as an independent, or even a new party called the "Grand Old" party, and we'll tell our supporters to vote for you. One time only, but we'll do what we can, and you'll get 6 more years. It had better be over after that.
This actually costs the Democrats little. It's a safe GOP seat. No Democrat is going to win it. Running a Democrat is just symbolic, and it's the wrong time to choose symbolism over America. Of course, you poll to make sure this can work in the state or district in question, with good confidence. It would be good if some wealthy GOP donors also pooled to match anything Musk or other MAGA donors give.
If Trump goes, Vance is in. He's far from what's wanted but he's not going to start wars with Canada and Mexico and support Putin, and so many other things. At the end, the new GOP is absorbed back into the Republicans, or perhaps it goes the other way around. Lessons are learned, and like after Nixon, a whole bunch of new rules come into place to stop this happening again.
There is a risk that a candidate could suffer if seen as working with the Democrats. As a one-time act, it can be made clear they are not beholden after the election is won. Or in some cases, the effort or votes of Democrats may not be needed and would not be given.
Semi-anonymous voting
A milder step would be to get GOP members to support a special type of voting in congress. This allows a vote which is anonymous if it doesn't pass, but for which the votes are revealed if it does. That allows members to vote their true intentions without fear of punishment in congress, for their intentions are not revealed unless they are in the majority. (This doesn't stop the Primary threat but it blunts it a lot.) This can be done with cryptography but there's also a simple paper system.
In the paper system, members are given envelopes with their name printed inside. They seal them and write their vote on the outside, then put that in another envelope, which they put in the box. The outer envelopes are opened and votes counted. If a majority support the proposition, the inner envelopes are opened and the names of members are read with their vote. If the proposition fails, the ballots are securely destroyed in the chamber.
Such voting systems would fix the problem when there's something the majority wants but nobody wants to be the first to declare it. That would include things like marijuana legalization and many others.
Mitch Berkson
Wed, 2025-03-12 08:36
Seems a little complicated?
This might make sense, but it's hard to see why Republicans would be any more sensible than the Democrats who could have adopted a much simpler strategy to keep Trump from being elected in the first place. In general, it's hard to take the Democrat cries of existential crisis seriously when they were not willing to compromise on a single aspect of any of their many extreme and unpopular policies in order to avert the crisis. Even in the face of the actual results, it is not obvious that Democrats have tempered their views in any way. Examples abound of true believers who assert that they lost because their positions were insufficiently extreme.
Instead of this somewhat byzantine recommendation for the Republicans, a more straightforward alternative would be to support Democrats, like Fetterman, who disavow the loony, unpopular ideas and incompetent candidates that were previously believed to be unassailable because Trump was the other option.
Wed, 2025-03-12 18:21
There's a lot to go around. Yes, in some ways it is odd. The GOP have an excuse. Trump has so much power that if they defy him, he will crush them and end their careers. The Democrats have no really excuse, other than some idea of principle. But I think they're starting to realize just how bad it can get.
But just supporting Democrats won't do it. The numbers make it very hard to retake the Senate without a seismic shift, safe Republican seats have to flip. Not impossible. Flipping the House is pretty likely. But do we have 2 years? Trump seems bent on cementing control the courts and the military. Congress may become less relevant unless it can pass veto-proof resolutions or impeachment. That requires GOP defectors.
Yes, the ones who say the party needed to just get more progressive seem nuts. I sort of get their argument -- maybe a less wishy washy party would have gotten better turnout. Harris lost 6M voters over Biden. But I think it's pretty unlikely.
The challenge is simple, though difficult. Create a party that truly represents 60% of the people. Then you will rule, and nothing they can do will stop you -- unless it gets to the use of the military.
I do understand (but doubt) the argument that if the progressive wing is thrown under the bus, they will be such incredible snots that they don't show up to vote out of resentment, and let MAGA win. The real answer is for the progressive wing to realize, that for the good of the country, and the long term good of the progressive cause, they should throw themselves under the bus, but still show up to vote against MAGA.
Ross Oliver
Wed, 2025-03-12 19:24
Focus on tanking Tesla
I don't believe there is any legislative or judicial actions that can restrain Trump. If he gets law enforcement and the military on his side, no written law or judgement will have any effect.
The Achilles heel is Tesla. Everything depends on dollars continuing to flow from the Musk fortune. I think Trump knows this, which is why there has been such an extreme reaction to Tesla protestors. Declaring them domestic terrorists, that sideshow of Trump buying a Tesla and basically being a Tesla pitchman. They know if everyone stops buying their cars and the stock tanks, they are both toast. And it could be a unifying issue: Democrats hate Musk, and Republicans hate electric cars. That IMHO is our best shot at stopping the madness.
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