We Robot Robot Law Conference and Robot Block Party


It's National Robotics Week, and various events are going on -- probably some in your area.

Today and Tomorrow I am at the We Robot conference at Stanford, where people are presenting papers puzzling over how robots and the law will interact. Not enough technology folks at this iteration of the conference -- we have a natural aversion to this sometimes -- but because we're building big moving things that could run into people, the law has to be understood.

On Wednesday is the Robot Block Party, also at Stanford, and always fun, with stuff for kids.

Thursday has the xconomy robot conference which looks good though I probably won't be there.

After the Phoenix APM event on the 21st I will be at Asilomar attending two conferences simultaneously. One is MLove, where I will join a session on connected cars. In a strange coincidence, MLove is located at the same conference center as another invite-only conference I attend annually for old-time (and new-time) microprocessor hackers. The odd thing was that normally when I get an invite that conflicts with a conference I am at, I have to say no -- but if they are nice enough to do it at the same conference center on the same days, things can change. Both conferences are lots of fun, and it's actually annoying to have them overlap since I would like to go to most of both of them.

A few Singularity U events are coming up, but most are sold out are invite-only in the coming month.

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