Robocar projects, laws and other news
Submitted by brad on Mon, 2011-06-27 17:17An update on the backlog of robocar related news caused by my recent travel and projects:
Nevada law
Many people have noticed the new law recently passed in Nevada which directs the Dept. of Transportation to create guidelines for the introduction of self-driving cars on Nevada roads. Here is the text of the law. Because Google, whom I consult for on robocars, helped instigate this law, I will refrain from comment, other than to repeat what I've said before: I predict that most transportation innovation will take place in robocars because they will be built from the ground up and bought by early adopters. The government need merely get out of the way and do very basic facilitation. This is very different from things like PRT and new transit lines, which require the government's active participation and funding.
You'll find lots of commentary on the story in major news media.